CoFFee ^^

jenis kopi yang populer sekarang :
  1.  Black coffee: kopi item aja, tanpa sugar n milk ^^
  2. Coffee au lait / coffee au creme: regular coffee + milk or cream in jug
  3. espresso: konsentrasi kopi yang kuat rasanya, dihidangkan di demitasse cup  (30-35 ml)
  4. Caffee latte: espresso + milk trus diatasnya ditambah foamed milk
  5. Ristretto: kaya espresso tapi bikinnya pake air yang jumlahnya cuma stengah dari espresso.
  6. Cappucino: espresso + foam milk on the top, then sprinkled with chocolate powder.
  7. Irish coffee: black coffee + irish whiskey + broen sugar + whipped cream on top, served in special glass " Irish Coffee Glass".
  8. Royal coffee: black coffee + brandy/cognac + sugar + whipped cream on top, served in "Royal Coffee  glass".
ni iseng aja nulis ini, tiba2 kangen ama pelajaran2 ini.. makasi ya bapak yang udah ngajar..ehehehehe

LoVe Cappucino ^^


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